Friday, August 9, 2019

Day 49 7/8/19 Tower of London.

We had planned on taking the train into Victoria Station to visit Buckingham Palace the tube to the Tower of London.  First problem, there was a fire and the train to Victoria wasn’t running so Mike suggested he drop us at an alternative Tube station and we could make our way that way, this was more complicated as we would have to change lines a couple of times. Then the second problem occurred as Buckingham Palace was fully booked until the 19th July. This actually simplified things in that although we had to change Tube trains it only entailed walking along the station and up an escalator.

Plan in place off we went and it all worked well. We had planned on seeing “The Monument”, a memorial to the Fire of London, but we missed that as we didn’t realise you could walk from Bank Station to Monument underground, perhaps next time.

Giant Thistles outside Tower Station (sorry about the mobile, didn't notice that whipping in front of me)

Tower of London from Tower Station

Part  of the Medieval Tower wall

Moat around the Tower walls.

Contrast between the 1066 Tower with the modern London buildings

Got our tickets, had a cup of tea and stood in the queue for the Tower, wasn’t that bad, moved steadily and before to long we where inside.

Queue not as bad as it looks, it moves steadily

Nearly there, Coat of arms over ald entrance

Luckily we arrived just as a Yeoman Tour with a Beefeater was starting so we joined that and received a very entertaining introduction to the history of the Tower since it was first built by Oliver Cromwell in 1066.

Beefeater Yeoman Guide

Traitors Gate

Tower Bridge

Guard outside Crown Jewels

Queue for the Crown Jewels, we waited until later (3 photo's joined togetheor so a bit disjointed

A number of Staff get dressed in period costume

We then listened to the talk on the Ravens, Legend has it that if the Ravens ever leave the Tower then the Realm and the Monarchy will fall. The origins of this are unknown but the Beefeaters take very good care of the Ravens to make sure they stay. One of the current theory’s concerning the Ravens is that the mortar for the White Tower, the main tower in the castle, was produced from material source within the castle itself and contained tons of Raven bones, hence if  all the Ravens are removed the mortar will crumble, no-one really knows.

Raven's have a couple of flight wings clipped so they can't fly to high

Maritta cuddles up to a Beefeater

White tower, has a large display of Armour and weaponry

Raven fancied a bath, the cages are only closed at night to protect the Ravens from Foxes, during the day they are free to wander around.

Beams are all held by wooden pegs.

Horse armour display

Chapel in the White Tower

Very ornate Wheel Lock revolver

Wheel lock muscat

Very ornate inlay on the stock

Gold Plated machine gun

Dragon display in the White Tower

Tower Bridge

Tourist boats on the thames

Various Imperial measures

Bronze cannon damaged during an armory fire

Display of muscats

And cannons

Gargoyles on the wall

Raven wanders near the Crown Jewel's queue

Changing of the guard

Very ornate Cannon brought from Malta in 1800, Gun carriage built in 1827

Between the walls, Beefeater's live in rooms in the wall to the left

Some of the Gulls are very large

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