Friday, July 19, 2019

Day 30 19/7/19 St Davids, Pembrokeshire (West Wales).

Day 30 19/7/19 St Davids, Pembrokeshire (West Wales).

Raining today, can’t complain as apart from a few showers the weather has been excellent, The farmers need it, not like an Australian farmer needs rain, these are not dry land crops, they need water regularly which, of course, they normally get.

Anyway, a good day for laundry.

Raining outside, fortunately there is an internal clothes line

Our accommodation is on the left behind the wall, view from near the front of the property

Parking area
Then we went to explore some of the local area, first a woolen mill where they still make traditional carpets from local wool, Work care would have a field day, which would be a pity, as these traditional crafts and factories are keeping the skills alive. The mill originally ran using a water wheel, there where seven mills in the area. Although the machines are now using electricity, the water wheel has recently been restored as has its drive wheel inside the mill. Next they plan to re-instate the overhead wheels and run  a small generator to help offset the cost of electricity in the building. Good to see the historic mechanism being utilised in a modern environment.

This road has a 40mph speed limit although the GPS thinks its 60MPH (as do some of the locals)

Woolen Mill

Water wheel has recently been re-instated

Yes, this is the factory, still making carpets.

Looms weren't operating today

Work Care nightmare

No safety covers over gears, apart from barely enough room to walk between machinery

Next stop the local pottery and then on to explore St David’s Cathedral. A church was first located on the site in the 6th Century AD. Building of the current cathedral began around the 12th century, destroyed and rebuilt a number of times, the current cathedral being mainly constructed/ rebuilt during the late 1700’s.

This is a 50MPH road between the houses near the pottery

Remains of the Bishops Palace at St Davids Cathedral

Inside the Nave, this dates from about 1200

Small pipe organ in one of the many small chapels

Bishops Place from inside, there are underground rooms but we didn't have time to visit.

St Davids Cathedral

Tomorrow we are hoping to take a boat trip out to see Puffins and various other local wildlife., depends a bit on the weather.

We then went for a drive along the coast to Fishguard

Bit different to a similar photo from yesterday.

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